Post Op Protocol's - Do's & Don'ts
Post Op Protocol's - Do's & Don'ts
Following any surgery, timelines and protocols are important.
In the PT world, we keep up to date with the latest protocols, and many surgeons have their own, to guide our patients to a successful outcome and get them back to life as fast as possible but appropriately.
While we'd love to be able to say we can expedite the healing process, there is only so much we can do to heal people - their bodies have to do that for them.
What we can do, by understanding the surgery and tissue healing timelines, is introduce movement and loading at the appropriate time to encourage and accelerate the tissue remodeling and the return of function as fast as possible (and appropriate).
But here's the tricky part - it's important for the patient to understand why the protocols are in place and to follow them per the PT and their surgeon.
We've had patients do all kinds of crazy things after surgery that they shouldn't have done, sometimes before we even saw them for the first visit and could properly educate them on the need to be careful during these phases of healing. The others just didn't listen, as it's common practice for us to educate our patients about allowing the tissues to heal before putting significant stress through them. Some were lucky, but some compromised their surgery and had long term consequences as a result.
Ultimately, we're not trying to hold you back.
We're trying to help you build your foundation for long term success in the early phases. We have every intention of getting you back to being awesome, and know that if we do it right by following precautions, protocols, healing timelines and monitoring your progress, that we will help you meet your goals and even beyond.